Thursday, 20 March 2014

Singapore Comedy Fringe - Calling all Stand-up Comedians in Asia

Dear One and All,

Hope you people have been doing well ! My post today is about the Singapore Comedy Fringe and why it is an important event in the history of comedy in Asia.

First of all !

When is the Singapore Comedy Fringe : April 23rd 2014 to April 26th 2014
Where is the Singapore Comedy Fringe : DBS Arts Centre
Tickets from :

So guys - this is the deal. The Singapore Comedy Fringe is happening and why should it be so important to stand-up comedians? Various reasons.

1. Stand-up Comedians from all over Asia and the US are performing
2. This is the right place to be if you want to meet other comedians/promoters/producers
3. Watch the different styles of comedy and comedians and what material are the comedians of the various countries writing
4. Connect the dots. You have a 20 min set that you think will work in Singapore, Phil, Malaysia, India,Dubai? Come talk to the people who will/may be able to direct you to the right direction

I have come across comedians who don't feel the need to travel because they might be so comfortable in their own countries getting the appropriate response and audience reaction but traveling to watch comedy and throwing yourself out of your comfort zone is the most beautiful thing ever and traveling only expands your horizons in the world of writing stand-up. Take this as a personal invitation to come down to Singapore and be a part of Asia's Stand-up comedy gathering. Even just watching is lots of learning.

Why should the audiences watch the Singapore Comedy Fringe?

A festival with comedians from
1. Singapore
2. India
3. Dubai
4. Philippines
5. Malaysia
6. US

Promising lots of laughs :)

We are creating history. This is the true blue Singapore Comedy Festival and the first.

Come and Join us.

Love and laugher,
Sharul Channa